
Summary and how to use this website


This section provides a summary of the proposals in the Noise Action Plan, and sets out how to use this website to share your feedback with us.

Glasgow Airport is currently seeking feedback on our Noise Action Plan, which sets out how we will manage and, where feasible, reduce the impact of aviation noise on our community.

Noise Action Plans operate in five yearly cycles and so the proposed Noise Action Plan will update and replace the 2018-2023 Noise Action Plan.

The consultation will run for 8 weeks, and once finalised following engagement with stakeholders and communities, the Noise Action Plan will operate from 2024-2028.

At Glasgow Airport, we recognise that aircraft noise is an important issue for local communities. We support the Government’s policy to limit and reduce aviation noise’s adverse effects on health and quality of life, balancing this with the airport’s social and economic benefits. 

We have updated our action plan to build on the progress made over the past five years, working proactively with stakeholders and local communities.

This Noise Action Plan incorporates decades of progress and introduces enhancements to our current noise mitigation measures, developed in consultation with our neighbours and stakeholders.

Glasgow Airport’s Noise Action Plan takes into account noise from:

  • Air noise from aircraft arriving or departing from airports;
  • Ground noise produced by aircraft whilst on the ground, including engine testing and taxiing. 

The key proposals contained within Glasgow Airport’s Noise Action Plan are to:

  • Expand our Noise Insulation Scheme to benefit more residents affected by aircraft noise, exceeding current aviation noise policy.
  • Monitor off-track flights and allocate fines to the Flight Path fund, supporting community groups and charities.
  • Enhance the complaints process with better trend analysis and respond to all complaints within 5 working days.
  • Improve our website content and annual reporting to offer better access to the right information.

You can use the section below to read a full copy of the draft Noise Action Plan 2024-2028, or download a copy at the end of this page.

Share your views

If you're in a rush, the key areas we're specifically asking for your views on are listed below, and linked to the pages where you can share your views. 

There are 3 short surveys to complete on this website in total, and it should take you no more than a few minutes to complete them all.  

The key areas we want your views on are:

  1. Extending the existing Noise Insulation Scheme, making approximately 650 additional properties eligible for funding to insulate against aviation noise by lowering the criteria for the level of noise experienced. 
  2. Reviewing and improving the annual noise reporting process and noise webpage to continue to work transparently with our communities. 
  3. Your overall views on the Noise Action Plan table and the 25 actions proposed by Aberdeen Airport. 

The three surveys are on the below pages: 

  1. Noise Insulation Scheme
  2. Noise management
  3. Noise Action Plan table 

Use the button below to download a full copy of the draft Noise Action Plan.

Document image preview
GLA Draft Noise Action Plan 2024-2028.pdf