
Noise Insulation Scheme


Noise Insulation Scheme

We currently operate a Noise Insulation Scheme (NIS) to mitigate noise for communities most affected by aircraft noise in line with current aviation noise policy. The policy will provide a financial contribution towards noise insulation for residential properties, hospitals and schools within the 92-day summer average 63dBLAeq,16h contour.

For more information about how this noise level is measured, please go to Aircraft noise and effects.

We arrange for assessments to be made of properties applying for the scheme to identify what, if any, insulation would be effective in achieving appropriate noise reduction. Examples of improvements that could be made are:

  • Replacement/enhanced windows
  • Acoustic air vents or simple wall mounted ventilation systems
  • Loft insulation
  • Replacement/enhanced external doors

The management of the NIS is overseen by the Airport Consultative Committee (ACC). 

Full details of our current Noise Insulation Scheme can be accessed here.

As part of this Noise Action Plan we propose to extend the residential Noise Insulation Scheme to properties within the 92-day summer average 60dBLAeq,16h contour, going beyond aviation noise policy requirements. This would increase the approximate number of eligible properties dramatically - see below. 


Approximate number of eligible residential dwellings

63dBLAeq,16h – current scheme


60dBLAeq,16h – proposed extension


Extent of residential NIS eligibility contours based on 2023 data

Map showing the proposed new extent of the residential NIS eligibility contours based on 2023 data

Use the button below to download a copy of the noise management section that talks about the NIS scheme and the contour map shown above

Document image preview
GLA NAP Noise Management.pdf
Document image preview
GLA NAP Extent of residential NIS eligibility contour based on 2023 data.pdf

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