
Framework for developing the Plan



The Noise Action Plan sets out our proposal to manage and, where feasible, reduce the effects of aviation noise. 

We recognise that aircraft noise is an important issue for local communities, and we support the Government’s overarching aviation noise policy to limit, and where possible, reduce total adverse effects on health and quality of life from aviation noise.

This requires balancing the positive social and economic benefits provided by Glasgow Airport with any adverse effects on local communities.

This Noise Action Plan builds upon decades of progress in developing mitigation measures in consultation with our neighbours and stakeholders and importantly includes updates and enhancements to our current noise mitigation measures.

Mitigation and management of aircraft noise is heavily informed by national and international initiatives and regulation imposed by:

  • The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)*;
  • The UK Government;
  • Local authorities; and
  • Glasgow Airport itself.

*ICAO is a specialised agency of the United Nations, created to promote the safe and orderly development of international civil aviation throughout the world. It sets standards and regulations necessary for aviation safety, security, efficiency and regularity, as well as for aviation environmental protection.

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ICAO and the 'Balanced Approach'

ICAO recognises that aircraft noise is the most significant cause of adverse community reaction related to the operation and expansion of airports and it requires all its member states to adhere to an approach to managing aircraft noise known as the ‘Balanced Approach’. The Balanced Approach (see image below) aims to address noise management in an environmentally responsive and economically responsible way, and encompasses four principal elements:

  1. Reduction of noise at source;
  2. Land-use planning and management;
  3. Noise abatement operational procedures; and
  4. Operating restrictions on aircraft.

Our Noise Action Plan embraces the Balanced Approach. As we recognise the importance of engagement with our local communities, we have added an additional pillar to the Balanced Approach, titled ‘Noise Communication/Community Engagement'. This is in alignment with the Sustainable Aviation Noise Roadmap.